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亲自写过shell脚本后才发现,这玩意真是太方便了,当你想把一些琐碎的、细节性的小指令一次性来完成时,脚本无疑是最好的选择,方便、快捷,关键是真是懒人必备啊 由于安装的centos6.5是最小化安装,且是实验环境,即安装在vmware workstations上面,在首次安装完成后,配置完IP地址的相关信息后,就做了一个初始的快照,以便下次实验完后,可以通过快照快速还原系统。

但是由于实验环境的要求,例如防火墙、SELinux、光盘挂载、yum源配置等,都是最常需要修改的选项,并且由于最小化安装,系统里并没有vim编译工 具和man手册的查询,所以导致每次还原快照后,还要处理这些琐碎的问题。

为此,我就专门写了这么一个小脚本,内容并不复杂,但是也是一种学习过程,发出 来和大家一起分享一下,顺便求指教…… 代码: #!/bin/bash # Config some simple order when the system start # Create by phoenix # Specify the path server=/etc/init.d yum=/etc/yum.repos.d mountdir=/media/cdrom selinux=/etc/selinux/config # stop the iptabes and set it cant start when the system start $server/iptables stop &>/dev/null if [ “$?” = “0” ]; then chkconfig iptables off chkconfig ip6tables off echo “1# The iptables stop successfully” else echo “1# The iptables stop failed” fi # shutdown the selinxu system setenforce 0 && sed -e s/^SELINUX=enforcing/SELINUX=disabled/g $selinux >$selinux.bak mv -f $selinux.bak $selinux echo “2# The selinux system is disabled” # Mount the CD-ROM mount |grep sr0 &>/dev/null if [ ! “$?” = “0” ]; then if [ ! -e $mountdir ]; then mkdir -p $mountdir &>/dev/null else mount /dev/cdrom $mountdir &>/dev/null echo “3# The CD-ROM is mounting successfully” fi else echo “3# The CD-ROM is already mounted” fi # Config the source of yum if [ -e $yum/CentOS-Base.repo ];then mv -f $yum/CentOS-Base.repo $yum/CentOS-Base.repo.bak &>/dev/null else echo “4# Starting config the source of yum” sleep 3 fi sed -e s/^enabled=0/enabled=1/g $yum/CentOS-Media.repo >$yum/CentOS-Media.repo.bak mv -f $yum/CentOS-Media.repo.bak $yum/CentOS-Media.repo>>/dev/null yum clean all &>/dev/null &&echo “5# The source of yum configed successfully” # Modify the code of language echo “#LANG=zh_CN.UTF-8” >/etc/sysconfig/i18n echo “6# The language is modify successfully” # Install the tools “VIM” and “MAN” echo “7# Starting install vim and man,please wait……” sleep 3 yum install vim man -y &>/dev/null # Reboot the system when all the work is done echo “######### All work is done ########” sleep 2 echo “Please wait the syatem restart……” sleep 2 init 6
