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此篇文有关 MySQL慢SQL语句常见诱因

1. 无索引、索引失效导致慢查询




2. 锁等待

常用的存储引擎有 InnoDB 和 MyISAM,前者支持行锁和表锁,后者只支持表锁


这时,InnoDB 存储引擎支持的行锁更适合高并发场景。但在使用 InnoDB 存储引擎时,要特别注意行锁升级为表锁的可能。在批量更新操作时,行锁就很可能会升级为表锁。





3. 不恰当的SQL语句

使用不恰当的SQL语句也是慢SQL最常见的诱因之一。例如,习惯使用<SELECT *>,<SELECT COUNT(*)> SQL语句,在大数据表中使用<LIMIT M,N>分页查询,以及对非索引字段进行排序等等。



慢查询问题,很可能是没有利用好索引导致的,MySQL 内置的 explain 命令,可以帮助确认查询语句是否利用了索引。

Column name Description
id Sequence number that shows in which order tables are joined.
select_type What kind of SELECT the table comes from.
table Alias name of table. Materialized temporary tables for sub queries are named <subquery#>
type How rows are found from the table (join type).
possible_keys keys in table that could be used to find rows in the table
key The name of the key that is used to retrieve rows. NULL is no key was used.
key_len How many bytes of the key that was used (shows if we are using only parts of the multi-column key).
ref The reference that is used to as the key value.
rows An estimate of how many rows we will find in the table for each key lookup.
Extra Extra information about this join.

其中 type 表示 表中找到所需行的方式

Value Description
ALL A full table scan is done for the table (all rows are read). This is bad if the table is large and the table is joined against a previous table! This happens when the optimizer could not find any usable index to access rows.
const There is only one possibly matching row in the table. The row is read before the optimization phase and all columns in the table are treated as constants.
eq_ref A unique index is used to find the rows. This is the best possible plan to find the row.
fulltext A fulltext index is used to access the rows.
index_merge A ‘range’ access is done for for several index and the found rows are merged. The key column shows which keys are used.
index_subquery This is similar as ref, but used for sub queries that are transformed to key lookups.
index A full scan over the used index. Better than ALL but still bad if index is large and the table is joined against a previous table.
range The table will be accessed with a key over one or more value ranges.
ref_or_null Like ‘ref’ but in addition another search for the ‘null’ value is done if the first value was not found. This happens usually with sub queries.
ref A non unique index or prefix of an unique index is used to find the rows. Good if the prefix doesn’t match many rows.
system The table has 0 or 1 rows.
unique_subquery This is similar as eq_ref, but used for sub queries that are transformed to key lookups

常用的类型有: ALL, index, range, ref, eq_ref, const, system, NULL(从左到右,性能从差到好)


